Sara Leone - Read My Lips (Official Video)

Press Release
'Read My Lips'
Sara Leone’s new single ‘Read my Lips’ and its video effortlessly garner the undivided attention of viewers, as this Lady Boss anthem lands the first grenade to equal the playing field for women seeking the same validation that men receive in dominating roles.
Leone blurs boundaries and greys the line between the typical gender dynamics. The meaning behind the expression ‘Read My Lips’ is personified in its video, with Sara Leone as the master of several man servants that submit to her every desire, both in their relations with her and for long after she grows bored of such love affairs.
‘Read My Lips’ not only serves to portray a powerful and independent woman that knows what she wants and how to get it in romantic endeavors, but in all aspects of life. It embodies feminine power and control: a woman that does what she wants, and is not afraid to be her true self. For the nonbelievers or conformists, it is their problem if they do not like what Sara Leone has to say, because it will never be enough to stop her.

"Life without Sara Leone music is a world that has only seen a rainbow in black and white."
Sara Leone’s signature mark of a diamond is rather fitting, as her voice shines in a league of its own. Do not let her mellow vibes and big blue eyes fool you. Her voice has a depth and range that places her in categories exclusive to only the most talented of singers.
Her music is drenched in raw and honest emotion, the kind that her voice enables you to feel. The passion that drives her creativity is captured in her work, and delivered to her fans in a relatable experience they can then make their own.
Artist Statement
When singing and creating music, fears of the unknown are silenced. I do this work because music connects me to the liberating power and Source within. I want to share these tools of creativity to connect others with the feeling of serenity my creative process brings me, and a safe space to facilitate healing.
I tend to write music about broad concepts with themes that are often inspired by unanswerable questions, the unknown. My lyrics can be widely open to interpretation, while focusing on specific feelings and emotions. The sounds I am most drawn to are spacious, echoing, and lush, symbolizing the universal pain of being human that so often moves me to create.
My prior work was more focused on mainstream trends with a preference for pop, rock and soul. It was constricting, which is why my current work seeks to explore my true style and essence without the barriers of being an artist who caters to the masses.
Art is created as a means of communicating our emotional realities. It serves as a release of the tension of holding on to what does not serve us, providing a vehicle of that same catharsis to be experienced and utilized by other humans for their own healing.
Everyone with a pulse is capable of being an artist, of creating art, so far as they are willing to be vulnerable and honest. I believe that we are all artists when we are born, and the overwhelming majority of us become blocked off to our creative potential at some point in those early years because of exposure to the existence of "the societal norm." For some, the urge to create in a way that is cathartic and expressive becomes so great that it is necessary to examine our relationship with the normal behaviors prescribed by society and reject those that do not work for us, so that we can fully tap back in to the creative spring that flows freely inside of all of us.

Official Videos